Friday, April 15, 2011

Gym Stats 4-15-2011

Me and 4 other ladies did a hour work out that consisted of 4 different upper and lower body work outs ( we rotated each workout when the trainer told us to switch). Then did 5 mins of cardio on the treadmill, eliptical, or bikes. Then went back and did another round of upper and lower body workouts, then cardio again for 5 mins. We did this for the whole hr. This time he did more advanced workouts, so yeah we were feeling it!! lol
I walked to the gym and back also, plus I did about 2 hrs of shopping grocery and other stuff...

I definitely got my workout for the day! ;)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gym Stats 4-14-2011

I did a full body work out doing:
12 reps of #6
8-10 reps of #7
6 reps of #8
Arms and legs

Then ran 1 1/2 miles on the treadmill.

walked to and from the gym makes 2 1/2 miles today!! =)

Gym Stats: 4-12-2011

I did a full hour workout with the trainer and some other gals. I didn't wear my pedometer, but I know I burned calories....I also learned that my arms are getting stronger, I am able to handle my body weight better when balancing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I forgot to log my stats from Friday the 8th so here they are:
Gym Stats 4-8-2011
4,323 steps
2 miles doing a full hour workout with the trainer
burned 181.4 calories!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

1 month doctor check in

I lost 11 lbs !!
BMI: went from 35 to 34
body fat: went from 39 to 38
So my friend Jen started a blog about her weight loss journey, so I thought it was a good idea for me also. So thanks Jen. She really is my inspiration because she never quits. Anyhow I am gonna try and log in my stats everyday. I am unable to get to the gym on Mondays and Weds now due to a class I am taking, so I go Tues, Thurs, and Fri. And if I have time I try and run or walk a mile on my treadmill on Mon and Weds.

So alittle about myself, I grew up a chunky girl and my doctors always told me I have thick skin. My parents kept me active in a all girls soccer team and I did t-ball and softball all the way up until to the highest league. Then 7-8 grade I played volleyball both years, making the tournament team my 8th grade year. So I kept active and actually started to get taller and thin out alittle through out those years. Freshman year I didn't play any sports, but Sophomore year I made the JV Cheerleading team. I have always love to dance, so cheerleading was right up my alley. Then my Junior and Senior year I made Varsity Cheerleading! So I was pretty active, but went through alot of self-esteem issues. After I graduated things just went down hill. I went to Mineral Area College for awhile changing my degree several times. My relationships I would get into weren't healthy and I ate for comfort. I think it was when I got into a verbally abusive relationship, that I was at my lowest of lows. I would blame myself for him saying the things he would say to me. I thought I was a failure and I was stressed all the time. Now I know I put myself in these situations, but even tho family and friends warned me to get out, I was stubborn and had to learn the hard way. One day, I just said thats it, Were done and move on. AND I DID! And to this day I still struggle to think highly of myself, but have learned and educated myself about fitness and a healthy life style. I always got burnt out on working out, because I would tell myself I couldn't and then give up. So after having my 3 girls, thats when the weight piled on. I was not the healthiest eater with my pregnancies. I just ate whatever I felt was good. It was until I had my last daughter that doctors and I discovered I have a major separation in my stomach muscles. (Called a diastasis recti) The CAT SCAN confirmed it. So I've been through so many physical therapists not only for my stomach, but my back pain also. I even got sent to a plastic surgeon and got denied to get my muscles repaired. So after hearing all this I was devastated! I thought I would never lose this belly that stuck out because doctors would tell me, surgery was the only way to bring them back together. I guess I depended on the fact that I would get it one day and went on with my life. It was until a couple months ago, I realized that I needed a change in my ways. But also in my mind. I'm going to college to be a Certified Medical Assistant and learning about the body and diseases really help me to understand my body better. Also to learn about the diseases you can get from being obese. Well my father has hypertension which is high blood pressure, so I was concerned about getting that later in my life. Now that I got some insight on what could happen to me, its made me step back and look at myself and I think, "Hey I can change this now, and not wait until I am 40-50 years old!" So this brings me to why I have been working out now for a month consistently. I have an appt to go weigh in at my doc for my one mth today! So this is just my life in a nut shell, but I hope to get all the advice and knowledge I can about fitness and eating healthier, so I can pass on what I learn to my girls.

Today's Gym stats: 4-7-2011
7,323 steps
ran/walked on treadmill and walked to and from the gym 3 miles total
burned 295.6 calories!